HR Forum

Our HR Forum is a great opportunity for you to keep up to date with recent developments in HR & employment law.

You can discuss any HR issues you’re facing in a relaxed roundtable environment with other HR professionals of local businesses. Our experts will be on hand to provide advice and ideas drawn from their extensive experience.

The agenda for discussion is driven by the participants and we provide our insights on minimising risks and liabilities based on real cases being dealt with by employers as well as current HR and employment law best practice.

Examples of recent discussion topics include the understanding of mental health issues, ensuring is your HR process is GDPR ready, retirement planning and the issues around the termination of employment.

8.30am - Start
9.30am - Close

Speaker: Martin Hopkins, Partner and Head of Employment
Martin has a wide range experience of acting on behalf of both employer and employee although his practice is now predominantly in employer support. He is able to undertake all aspects of employment-related legal work from drafting contracts to representing clients at Employment Tribunals and Employment Appeal Tribunals. 

Please bring along any queries you may have and we look forward to seeing you there.